Saturday, October 5, 2013

Scar The Martyr - Scar The Martyr - Album Review

Release date: October, 1, 2013
Genre: Industrial Metal/Alternative Metal
Overall Rating: 3/5
Label: Roadrunner Records
Origin: U.S.A
Recommended Tracks: "Blood Lost" "Soul Desintegration"

Led by Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison, Scar the Martyr was announced in April 2013 and quickly caught up the attention the band consists of musicians who have played for a long time featuring Strapping Young Lad guitarist Jed Simon and ex-Darkest Hour guitarist Kris Norris, later in June the group announced its full lineup which includes Nine Inch Nails former keyboardist Chris Vienna as well. The unknown vocalist Henry Derek Bonner completed the full lineup, Scar the Martyr offers and interesting mix between Industrial/Alternative Metal, Joey Jordison as many of you know is one of the most talented musicians out there, musician, songwriter and producer. Surprisingly Jordison is behind the drumkit. Musically Scar the Martyr sounds well performed each musician contributes an undeniable part of talent and they create a deep atmosphere the music is top notch but does this mean they are going to be at the same level of others contemporary acts? I think this is a nice try but even if you are part of one the biggest Nu Metal bands in history is not a guarantee of success. There are great songs such as “Dark Ages” and “Blood Lost” these ones really put you in the mood for a head banging, in certain songs specifically behind the drumkit the band sounds like Slipknot even it looks like some of these songs would have been taken from an unreleased material of the 9 masked. I recommend this album either if you’re a fan of the side projects or a Joey Jordison fan, the album is good but I’m not sure if it’s going to get the same success or hit those heights than Slipknot or Stone Sour, I remember “Murderdolls” another side project by Joey Jordison now defunct, the attitude and that Horror-Punk-Style really gave a lot of variety and originality among others super groups at that time.

Comandado por Joey Jordison baterista de Slipknot, Scar The Martyr se anuncio en abril 2013 y rapidamente capot la atencion, la banda consiste de musicos experimentados que han tocado por mucho tiempo colaborando el guitarrista de Strapping Young Lad – Jed Simon y el Ex Darkest Hour Kris Norris, mas tarde en junio el grupo anuncio su alineación completa la cual incluye al ex Nine Inch Nails Chris Vienna en los teclados. El desconocido vocalista Henry Derek Bonner completo la alineación. Scar The Martyr ofrece una interesante mezcla entre Industrial/Alternative Metal, Joe Jordison como muchos de ustedes saben es uno de los mas talentosos músicos, compositor y productor sorprendente Jordison esta detrás de la batería nuevamente. Musicalmente Scar The Martyr suena bien, cada músico contribuye una innegable parte de talento y crean uan profunda atmosfera, la música es de primer nivel pero significa esto que estarán al mismo nivel que otros grupos actuales? Pienso que es un buen intento pero incluso si tu eres parte de una de las bandas mas grandes del Nu Metal en la historia  esto no es garantía de éxito. Hay grandes canciones como “Dark Ages” y “Blood Lost” estas realmente te provocan el headbangeo, en ciertas canciones específicamente en la batería la banda suena como Slipknot incluso paraece como si algunas de ellas hubieran sido tomados de algún material inédito de los 9 enmascarados. Recomiendo este álbum si eres un fan de los proyectos alternos o de Joey Jordison, el álbum es bueno pero no estoy seguro si obtendrá el mismo éxito o aires de grandeza de Slipknot o Stone Sour. Recuerdo “Murderdolls” otro proyecto alterno de Joey Jordison ahora desaparecido, la actitud y su estilo Horror-Punk le dieron un chorro de variedad y originalidad dentro de otros super-grupos en ese tiempo.

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